X-Ray Diffraction data from Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, source of 7MM1 structure

PTP1B in complex with TCS401 by Native S-SAD at Room Temperature

X-Ray Diffraction data from S95A ClbP bound to monoolein, source of 7MDE structure

Data collected at the selenium edge of a single crystal of selenomethionine-substituted ClbP grown in a monoolein mesophase.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Wildtype ClbP inhibited by hexanoyl-D-asparagine boronic acid, source of 7MDC structure

Data collected from a single crystal of the wildtype ClbP peptidase covalently inhibited by a boronic acid and grown in a monopalmitolein mesophase.

X-Ray Diffraction data from S95A ClbP bound to acyl-D-asparagine product analog, source of 7MDF structure

Bromine edge data collected from two crystals of the ClbP peptidase grown in presence of a substrate analog and in a monopalmitolein mesophase.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Interleukin-12 recepter subunit beta-1, source of 6WDP structure

SeMet dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Interleukin-12 recepter subunit beta-1, source of 6WDP structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from V. polyspora Hop1 PHD-WHD, source of 7M0P structure

Zinc anomalous SAD dataset for V. polyspora Hop1 PHD-WHD domain

Dataset of TCR-pMHC docked models

This dataset comprises bound TCR-pMHC models for 44 TCR docking benchmark cases. These models were produced using four docking platforms - ClusPro, HADDOCK, LightDock and ZDOCK - as a comparative study of docking software performance in the context of TCR-pMHC modelling. Each docking case was provided to the software platforms along with varying levels of detail about the binding interface in the form of four docking scenarios, to assess how effectively each platform made use of this additional information to improve modeling accuracy. A manuscript reporting these results has been submitted for publication.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Extracellular domain of mouse NKR-P1A, source of 3M9Z structure

native data set

X-Ray Diffraction data from Dihydrofolate reductase, source of 7LVC structure

E. coli DHFR by Native Mn,P,S-SAD at Room Temperature

Microcrystal Electron Diffraction data from VFAThiaGlu, source of 6PO6 structure

MicroED structure of a natural product VFAThiaGlu

Microcrystal Electron Diffraction data from GSNQNNF, source of 6CLC structure

1.01 Å MicroED structure of GSNQNNF at 0.27 e- / A^2

X-Ray Diffraction data from E. coli RssB, source of 7LCM structure

Receiver domain of RssB bound to beryllofluoride

2-Oxo-acid Dehydrogenase Complex component proteins from C. thermophilum

Structural models of the E1 and E2 proteins of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDHc), 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase (OGDHc), and Branched-Chain alpha-Keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complex (BCKDHc), E3BP of PDHc and E3, shared among all three complexes. In addition, a cif-file of E1, E2, E3BP, and E3 of PDHc modeled from cryoEM data is provided. Models were generated by homology modeling using MODELLER and refined using HADDOCK webserver.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Hen Egg White Lysozyme, source of 7L84 structure

Hen Egg White Lysozyme by Native S-SAD at Room Temperature

X-Ray Diffraction data from Receiver domain of E. coli RssB, source of 7L9C structure

Native dataset

Microcrystal Electron Diffraction data from Myeloid differentiation primary response protein MyD88, source of 7BEQ structure

MicroED data of MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly microcrystals

X-Ray Diffraction data from Hsa Siglec and Unique domains in complex with sialyl Lewis C, source of 7KMJ structure

raw diffraction data