X-Ray Diffraction data from Interleukin-21 ternary receptor complex, source of 8ENT structure

native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human ABCG5/G8 in complex with cholesterol, source of 8CUB structure

Native datasets

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human ABCG5/G8 in complex with cholesterol, source of 8CUB structure

Native datasets

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human ABCG5/G8 in complex with cholesterol, source of 8CUB structure

Native datasets

X-Ray Diffraction data from Cadmium-bound WT Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E6M structure

High resolution dataset collected from a single WT LCP crystal soaked in precipitant having cadmium.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Mn-bound D296A mutant Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E6L structure

Datasets of Mn-bound D296A was collected from 3 LCP crystals. Image files that start C7run1_17 are from the first crystal, C7run2_19 are from the second crystal and C7run4_20 are from the third crystal.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Mn-bound M230A mutant Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E6I structure

High resolution datasets of Mn-bound M230A mutant collected from 3 separate LCP crystals. Image files that start A131_run2 are from the first crystal, A132_run3 are from the second crystal and A133_run5 are from the third crystal.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Mn-bound A47W mutant Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E6H structure

High resolution dataset of Mn-bound A47W mutant collected from a single LCP crystal

X-Ray Diffraction data from Manganese-bound WT Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E60 structure

High resolution dataset of a single LCP crystal of WT soaked in precipitant containing manganese

X-Ray Diffraction data from WTsoak Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E5V structure

High resolution dataset of a single LCP crystal of WT mock-soaked in precipitant

X-Ray Diffraction data from WT Nramp/MntH divalent transition metal transporter from Deinococcus radiodurans, source of 8E5S structure

High resolution dataset of WT protein obtained from single LCP crystal

X-Ray Diffraction data from Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B, source of 8DU7 structure

Fixed target serial crystallography data for PTP1B. A total of 6 individual chips (MiTeGen Sample supports) were collected. For each chip, a raster with an oscillation of 0.2 or 0.5 degree and 20um step. A total of 10 frames/chip with 1st 6 frames containing diffraction spots and the rest of the frames are blank. For more info on data collection and processing, please refer to this paper- https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.28.501725

X-Ray Diffraction data from C5a-peptidase (ScpA) D783A mutant, source of 7YZX structure

Native dataset.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Neoleukin-4, source of 8DZ8 structure

native dataset of neoleukin-4

X-Ray Diffraction data from Hen Lysozyme, source of 8DZ7 structure

Hen lysozyme in orthorhombic space group at ambient temperature, diffuse scattering dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Hen Lysozyme, source of 8DYZ structure

Hen lysozyme in tetragonal space group at ambient temperature, diffuse scattering dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from FAD-dependent monooxygenase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, source of 8AQ8 structure

3600 diffraction images

X-Ray Diffraction data from Protein, source of 8DYE structure

Crystal structure of human complex II assembly intermediate SDHA-SDHAF4

X-Ray Diffraction data from Protein, source of 8DYD structure

Respiratory Complex II assembly intermediate SDHA-SDHAF2-SDHAF4