X-Ray Diffraction data from Isobutyryl-coenzyme A mutase fused with bound adenosylcobalamin, GDP, and Mg (holo-IcmF/GDP), source of 4XC6 structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Protein translocation ATPase SecA, source of 4YS0 structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human Prethrombin-1, source of 3NXP structure

This dataset is the source of PDB ID code 3NXP

X-Ray Diffraction data from neurexin 1alpha extracellular domain, source of 3QCW structure

native high resolution data set used for final refinement of structure 3QCW; 5 wedges of 125 frames each, 0.5 degree oscillation angle; collected at 1.12718 Ang (10 999.5 eV); XD 300 mm MarMosaic CCD 300 detector; beam position (x: 150.0 mm , y: 150.0 mm)

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human CRM1 (C-terminal truncation mutant), source of 4BSN structure

Native data for crystal variant 1: low resolution and high-resolution passes

X-Ray Diffraction data from KRAS:GDP, source of 4OBE structure

KRAS WT bound to GDP

X-Ray Diffraction data from Exomer (Chs5/Bch1) / Arf1 complex, source of 4Q66 structure

Native dataset.

X-Ray Diffraction data from Ran-binding domain of human RanBP3 (E352A/R353V mutant), source of 2Y8G structure

Crystal form 1 native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from PhnZ from uncultured HF130_AEPn_1, source of 4MLM structure

SeMet Data set

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human Prothrombin, source of 4O03 structure

Crystal Structure of Human Prothrombin Deletion Mutant 146-167 (ProTĪ”146-167) in the presence of Calcium Ions

X-Ray Diffraction data from Complex of Notch1 (EGF11-13) bound to Delta-like 4 (N-EGF2) , source of 4XLW structure

Native dataset of Notch bound to Delta-like 4

X-Ray Diffraction data from Cyclophilin A, source of 4YUO structure

Highest resolution room temperature diffraction data set for Cyclophilin A. Collected under paratone oil.

X-Ray Diffraction data from RPA70N in complex with a 3,4 dichlorophenylalanine ATRIP derived peptide, source of 4NB3 structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from MAPK13- p38 delta- inactive form, source of 4YNO structure

high res data set

X-Ray Diffraction data from Glycoprotein E2 from bovine viral diarrhea virus, source of 4ILD structure

Uranyl acetate derivative 2, E2 domains I-II

X-Ray Diffraction data from Glycoprotein E2 from bovine viral diarrhea virus, source of 4JNT structure

Native, full-length ectodomain (domains I-III)

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human GABA(B) receptor extracellular domain in complex with the antagonist 2-hydroxysaclofen, source of 4MQF structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Human GABA(B) receptor extracellular domain in complex with the agonist baclofen, source of 4MS4 structure

Native dataset