X-Ray Diffraction data from Chicken egg white lysozyme, source of 6RT3 structure

Low resolution pass

X-Ray Diffraction data from Chicken egg white lysozyme, source of 6RT1 structure

Highly redundant dataset from Cu Ka home source

X-Ray Diffraction data from horse liver alcohol dehydrogease E L57F with NAD and trifluoroethanol, source of 6OA7 structure

high and low resolution passes to 1.1 A resolution

X-Ray Diffraction data from Fab bound to IL-4/IL-4Ra/gammaC complex, source of 6OEL structure

native data set

HADDOCK models of mutant protein complexes

HADDOCK models of mutant protein complexes gathered for the article: "C. Geng, A. Vangone, G.E. Folkers, L.C. Xue and A.M.J.J. Bonvin. iSEE: Interface Structure, Evolution and Energy-based machine learning predictor of binding affinity changes upon mutations. Proteins: Struc. Funct. & Bioinformatics 87, 110-119 (2019)."

X-Ray Diffraction data from Hose liver alcohol dehydrogenase L57F substitution, NAD + pentafluorobenzyl alcohol, source of 6O91 structure

High resolution pass ("_1.????") at 120 mm, 0.25 deg oscillations, 360 deg total and low resolution pass ("_2.????) at 200 mm with 0.5 deg oscillations over 360 deg total.

X-Ray Diffraction data from FasR transcription factor from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with DNA, source of 6O6P structure

Native dataset ; low resolution, but best data so far with these orthorhombic crystals

X-Ray Diffraction data from FasR transcription factor from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, source of 6O6O structure

Native data; the protein was not co-crystallized or soaked with any ligand, but turned out to contain myristic acid bound, coming from the expression system

X-Ray Diffraction data from FasR transcription factor from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with C20-CoA, source of 6O6N structure

Native data, phased ab-initio using Arcimboldo

X-Ray Diffraction data from D. melanogaster Dpr10 IG1 bound to DIP-alpha IG1, source of 6NRQ structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from D. melanogaster DIP-eta IG1 homodimer, source of 6NRX structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from D. melanogaster DIP-gamma IG1+IG2, source of 6NS1 structure

native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from D. melanogaster Dpr1 IG1 bound to DIP-eta IG1, source of 6NRW structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from D. melanogaster Dpr11 IG1 bound to DIP-gamma IG1+IG2, source of 6NRR structure

Native dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Mycobacterial glucosylglycerate hydrolase, source of 6Q5T structure

X-Ray Diffraction data from M. hassiacum GgH, source of 6Q5T structure

X-Ray Diffraction data from protein, source of 6NMW structure

Complete data set from a single crystal for Lyn kinase SH3 domain

X-Ray Diffraction data from Designed repeat binding protein with Frizzled-4 CRD, source of 6NE1 structure

Native Dataset

X-Ray Diffraction data from Designed repeat binding protein with Frizzled-8 CRD, source of 6NDZ structure

Merged datasets for structure solution by MR

X-Ray Diffraction data from KAP1/TRIM28, source of 6QAJ structure

X-ray diffraction data for the RBCC motif of the tripartite motif (TRIM) of KAP1/TRIM28 collected at the zinc absorption peak wavelength

X-Ray Diffraction data from RSV G peptide bound to Fab CB017.5, source of 6BLH structure

Complete data set from one single crystal used to solve the structure of the antibody-bound complex.