X-Ray Diffraction data from VSV N PROTEIN IN COMPLEX WITH NANOBODY 1004, source of 5UKB structure

Data DOI: 10.15785/SBGRID/449 | ID: 449

Publication DOI: 10.15252/EMBR.201643764

5UKB Coordinates: Viewer, PDB (RCSB) (PDBe), MMDB

Schwartz Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Release Date: June 2, 2017

Data Access Instructions

1. If this dataset is locally available, it should be accessable at /programs/datagrid/449

2. To download this dataset, please run the following command from your Terminal on a Linux or OS X workstation:

'rsync -av rsync://data.sbgrid.org/10.15785/SBGRID/449 .' (Harvard Medical School, USA)

Depending on your location, faster access may be available from a Tier 1 site closer to your location

'rsync -av rsync://sbgrid.icm.uu.se/10.15785/SBGRID/449 .' (Uppsala University, Sweden)

'rsync -av rsync://sbgrid.pasteur.edu.uy/10.15785/SBGRID/449 .' (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay)

'rsync -av rsync://sbgrid.ncpss.org/10.15785/SBGRID/449 .' (Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China)

3. After the transfer is completed, please issue the following command to verify data integrity:

'cd 449 ; shasum -c files.sha'

Storage requirements: 11G

Biological Sample:


Dataset Type:

X-Ray Diffraction

Subject Composition:

Protein, RNA

Collection Facility:


Data Creation Date:

Oct. 17, 2015

Related Datasets:


Cite this Dataset

Hanke, L; Knockenhauer, K; Schwartz, T. 2017. "X-Ray Diffraction data for: VSV N PROTEIN IN COMPLEX WITH NANOBODY 1004. PDB Code 5UKB", SBGrid Data Bank, V1, https://doi.org/10.15785/SBGRID/449.

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Dataset Description

native dataset

Project Members

Name Additional Roles Affiliation While Working on the Project
Thomas SchwartzDepositorMIT
Leo HankeMIT
Kevin KnockenhauerData CollectorMIT
Thomas SchwartzPIMassachusetts Institute of Technology

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License and Terms of use

License: CC0

Terms: Our Community Norms as well as good scientific practices expect that proper credit is given via citation. Please use the data citation, as generated by the SBGrid Data Bank.