HADDOCK docking antibody-antigen models using machine learning-predicted unbound structures

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Data DOI: 10.15785/SBGRID/1139 | ID: 1139

Bonvin Laboratory, Utrecht University

Release Date: 16 Feb 2025

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Storage requirements: 307G

Biological Sample:

HADDOCK docking antibody-antigen models using machine learning-predicted unbound structures

Dataset Type:

Structural Model

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Collection Facility:

Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Data Creation Date:

7 Jan 2024

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Cite this Dataset

Giulini, M; Cutting, D; Deane, C; Desai, N; Schneider, C; Bonvin, AMJJ. 2025. "HADDOCK docking antibody-antigen models using machine learning-predicted unbound structures.", SBGrid Data Bank, V1, https://doi.org/10.15785/SBGRID/1139.

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Dataset Description

Antibody-antigen models for the paper "Towards the accurate modelling of antibody-antigen complexes from sequence using machine learning and information-driven docking". M Giulini, C Schneider, D Cutting, N Desai, C Deane, AMJJ Bonvin. Bioinformatics. 2024

Project Members

Name Additional Roles Affiliation While Working on the Project
Marco GiuliniData Collector, DepositorUtrecht University
Daniel CuttingData CollectorExscientia plc, The Schroedinger Building, OX4 4GE, Oxford, UK
Charlotte DeaneData CollectorExscientia plc, The Schroedinger Building, OX4 4GE, Oxford, UK
Nikita DesaiData CollectorExscientia plc, The Schroedinger Building, OX4 4GE, Oxford, UK
Constantin SchneiderData CollectorExscientia plc, The Schroedinger Building, OX4 4GE, Oxford, UK
Alexandre MJJ BonvinData Collector, PIUtrecht University

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License: CC0

Terms: Our Community Norms as well as good scientific practices expect that proper credit is given via citation. Please use the data citation, as generated by the SBGrid Data Bank.